6th Annual Grape Lake Kayak Race
Sunset Park, Paw Paw
Sponsored by LOUNSBURY EXCAVATING. Join us at Sunset Park as we launch kayaks. All racers will be timed and winners determined by the best time. All participants must wear a life jacket and a waiver will be completed and signed prior to the race. Prizes are presented at the close of the race. The fee to participate is $15.00. Kayaks will be available or you may use your own. Children must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Categories include 13-17, 18-38 and 39 & up both male and female.
Weather: if the race is cancelled on Saturday, it will be rescheduled for Sunday, Sept. 7 at noon. Should Sunday be cancelled, no refunds will be given. A voucher will be given to each participant toward to 2026 Race. Please complete the entry form and waiver and return to the Paw Paw Wine and Harvest Festival. Pre-Registration closes on Wednesday, Sept. 3.
To download the 2023 Grape Lake Kayak Race Registration form Click Here
To register online and make a payment Click Here