St. Julian Winery Events
Paw Paw
Event Description:
Enjoy events throughout the weekend at the St. Julian Winery, which is Michigan’s oldest and largest winery. Live entertainment will be offered on the Patio and in the Tank Room. Wine by the Case specials will be offered. You can purchase tickets at the door for drinks and wine tastings. Food will be offered by Floatin’ Franks..
Entertainment Schedule:
Friday – On The Patio 3-6pm Tom Noack, 6-9pm Dave Johnson. In the Tank Room: 6-9pm Donald Savoie
Saturday – On The Patio: 12-3pm Anna White, 3-6pm Dave Johnson, 6-9pm Tom Noack. In the Tank Room: 6-9pm Neil Jansen.
Sunday – 11am-1pm Neil Jansen